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Be Fruitful And Increase In Number

Writer's picture: Age Years Old - AYO Age Years Old - AYO

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

After God created mankind, we see the very first commandment that God givves to mankind. To be fruitful and increase in number. To fill the earth and subdue it. 


Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1: 26 - 28


The theme of multiplication and growth are consistent with the nature of God. For the things of God.

Yesterday we learned that by speaking the truth in love, we grow. The body grows. Every element, doing its part, the body is made to grow. 

This lead me to explore family body. The concept and workings of that particular body. From witnessed, lived or informed of experiences.

A man and a woman marry and are called to be fruitful and increase in number. This is a blessing from God.

They have children and those children have children. And so the generations grow. A beautiful fulfillment of the Lord's word.

I have experienced this commandment, while growing up. How wonderful it is to see homes filled with generations of loving offspring and kinship.

A testimony of the nature and goodness of God.

Modern living says that when you marry, you are free to define your own rules and lifestyle as a new unit. Also, the increasing in number is somewhat controlled. I do not speak against these. Deciding authority, we trust is in line with God's plan.

The Holy Bible says that God intended for bodies to have the truth spoken in love, every element, knit together and doing its part. Growth is the result.  The same is intended for the family body.

It is important then who the children marry. Who you procreate with. The values on which these unions are founded upon.

Do the unions practice speaking the truth in love? Is the diversity in member roles acknowledged, recognised and inclusive in the workings of the body. Any room for equipping, edification in the parts we do?

Family bodies are to be knit together so growth happens. To be fruitful. To multiply. To fill the earth.  And subdue it. 

What then makes other family bodies to not experience this growth, fruitfulness and multiplication? God called for it. He is not a man that He should lie. He does and says so He can be glorified.

  1. Genesis says, the commandment was given to mankind by the Lord.

  2. Ephesians says that Jesus Christ gave us so we can equip God's people and edify the body of Christ. Also, by speaking the truth in love, each member playing their part, the body grows. 

( Genesis 1:26 - 28 and Ephesians 4:10 - 16)

Easy to comprehend. Aligned also with the workings of nature. As created by the Lord.

So again, I pose the question.

What then makes other family bodies to not experience this growth, fruitfulness and multiplication? God called for it so that He can be glorified.

From the lessons in Genesis and Ephesians, obedience, truth, love and working together are requirements. Important elements. 

If the said growth and multiplication are not being experienced, can it be said that the required elements are absent. The situations, relations or environments are those where there is:

  1. A lack in the obedience to God's Word and commandments.

  2. The opposite of truth is being spoken.

  3. There is simply no love.

  4. The members are working against each other.

Why would these be the case? Do the members not want to grow and see the increase in number? Not keen to glorify their Creator when His promises are realised in the land of the living? 

What can it be? 

Scripture says in  James 3 verses 13 - 18


Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 

But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 

Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 


Therefore, God intended for family bodies to speak truth in love, every element playing its part and growth to happen. 

******** Wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.   Peacemakers who sow in peace, reap a harvest of righteousness. ********

What wisdom do you operate in? This scripture above says there are two types of wisdom. Wisdom from heaven. Wisdom that is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. Verse 17 elaborates on the wisdom from Heaven. It's seen by being: Pure Peace loving Considerate Submissive Full of mercy and good fruit Impartial Sincere

The other wisdom comes from harbouring bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts.

We are even warned not to boast about it or deny the truth. 

By denying the truth, you are denying the growth of the family body. Truth that is spoken.  What wisdom is prevalent in your family body?

What fruit does your wisdom bear?  Strife and divisiveness or peace and unity? Growth or diminishing? Prayerful or cursing? Pinching from or providing for? Holding up or pulling down? Shadowing or showcasing?

What are you seeing as the results from your wisdom?

It is written that a tree is known by its fruit Peacemakers who sow in peace, reap a harvest of righteousness. What are you sowing? In what spirit are you sowing that? In Proverbs 9:10, Solomon says:  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

In a body, there are many members. The same applies to workplace teams. Church teams. Families - (immediate and extended). Community teams. Sports teams. Orchestra teams. Production teams.  Every member relevant according to their gifting.  We are given to equip God's people for the works of service. To edify the body of Christ. For each to do their part, knit together, for the body to grow. 

Can you recognise and value unity or diversity outside when inside it's ignored or exercised in exclusion?

Why do we boast and lie against the truth?

James wrote truthfully.


Prayer Time

Lord Jesus

Thank You for being the Truth,

The Way and the Life.

Thank You that You are the Word.

There in the beginning

And will always be there.

Forgive me for having concealed

Envy, bitterness and

Selfish ambitions in my heart.

I am sorry for having been boastful

And most of all

Denying the truth.

You are the truth.

And I cannot deny You.

Help me with the washing

Of my heart, clean with hyssop.

Forgive my unbelief

And having moved

From the truth.

Lord God, You formed me

In my mother's womb.

Let Your blood Jesus

Restore me to the fullness

You created me in.

Remove all scales of deceit

From my eyes.

Do for me

As You did with Saul.

My name from Saul to Paul.

Restore my sight.

Begin my ministry

For Your Kingdom.

Filll me with Your light.

Fill me with humility.

Fill me with the fear of You

Lord God Almighty.

Thank You that I can come

To You anytime

And find You.

I am nothing without You

My Father in Heaven.

I want to do Your will.

Your works of service.

Equip Your people.

Edify the body of Christ.

Including all members.

Hindering none

That do Your work.

Starting with the body

Of families which

You purposely placed me in.

Let me walk worthy of the calling.

With which I am called

In the body of my families.

You gave me all I have.

May I not boast

Nor deny the truth.

It is in You

That I live and move

And have my being.

Guide me into all truth.

I can learn by Your Holy Spirit

To speak the truth in love.

I want growth.

In obedience to Your Word

In expressing Your love.

In seeking Your Kingdom

First and Your righteousness

Then All will be added.

For me and immediate family

My extended families.

My loved ones. My colleagues.

My neighbours. My nation.

Let the season coming up

Be a time where I

Celebrate and honour You.

I yield all my plans to You.

In my times alone

With just You.

In the times

Spent in community

And fellowship.

Remove all untruths,

Distractions and mostly


Aimed at working

Against Your plans.

I will glorify Your Name

With the fulfillment

Of Your will and purpose.

In all areas of my life.

In Jesus Name I pray Amen.

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