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Confess & Pray Together To Heal.

Writer's picture: Age Years Old - AYO Age Years Old - AYO

God is a God of love and unity. Well, that's among many other things that are His nature and statutes.

We have seen, heard and been taught the two greatest commandments of God. Once or a few times.

You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. That is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbour as yourself.

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus Christ was sent for us all to have life and have it in abundance. There is really no need for continued ailing living with one another.

Relationshiping is intentional. We relate with root intentions. Always. Your heart and God know these intentions.

Why would one conceal their relating intent? Is the root untrue? Insincere or Idol-based? An abomination to the Lord?

The word says reject a divisive man after first and second admonition.

Divisiveness is a result. If relating with some results in just strife or divisions, look again.

Read Titus 3: 9-11

But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.

Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped, sinning and being self condemned.

We believe in our heart and confesses with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. Believing in the Lord Almighty is what Christ believers confess. The light of Christ in a believer, cannot be hidden.

It's living in transparency with your foundational belief system. It is who you are and how you grow. Seen in what you believe. Governs your Spirit, Soul and Body. The foundation that your lifestyle is built on.

It shows. In your conversations. Doings. Decisions. Words. Conduct. Countenance.

Basically, a foundational belief system comes to light. When you think it's hidden or tucked away, it is not. It cannot be. Unless by Grace, in the shadow of Lord Almighty.

That is the nature of the foundation of a belief system. A house built on a foundation. If shaky or poorly built, it eventually shows. For mending to happen.

So is the behaviour of many iniquities. Though the beholder tries to conceal, it emerges. Eventually.

Oftentimes, we do wrong or make mistakes while we relationship. Wounds appear and make relating to one another strenuous. The reason or intention behind the wrong-doing causes this. The spirit behind it.

When the wound is revealed, don't use more sin to cover up sin. Rather pursue healing by addressing the wound and its cause.

Don't leave a wound bare or prolong its affliction when the option for healing is there. You do not want, decades later, for there to be branches and branches of unGodliness. Making for restless resting under their shade, on hot days

Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

Speak. Yizwa. Zwakala. Hear. Be Heard.

Not long-winded or aimless conversation. Talks offering truth to each other. Disclosing sins from thoughts, words or deeds. Then pray for one another.

God says, healing happens afterwards. Manifests. Allowing truth to set free.

The fear of God is humility. Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

Health check your heart, mind and actions. Pray back Psalm 51 out loud, to the Lord. Often.

Stop avoiding your own healing. Love Yourself.

Stop withholding another's healing. Love Another.

Speak. Yizwa. Zwakala. Hear. Be Heard.

Allow for Healing & Restoration to take place. Wholesomeness to be lived. Moving forward with freedom, peace and joy.

When healing is what you seek, open up to taking part in the full process it takes.

Be done with half measures. Bite size truth. Artificial truths. Modified stories. Even the passing down of them.

That is a disservice to yourself and your posterity.

Stop practicing wickedness just to tickle old wounds or vindicate yourself. That is enslavement to darkness.

These trails of untruths should not proceed. Humble yourself and turn from your wicked ways.

Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

God creates peace and calamity. Light and darkness. For His will and His glory.

Confess to one another and pray; so that you may be healed. From all carnality.

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