Being different is life. No two people are the same. Uniqueness is a strength.
There is no need for animosity where we differ. Basic love and respect for a neighbour and brother must always be at work. The baseline of humanity.
As adults, we differ in so many categories. In the choices we make, reasoning and lifestyle.
Does that call for animosity? Misleading one another? False witnessing?
Love your neighbour as yourself.
A basic commandment. Intentional ill treatment of another, can then mean you really just don't love yourself.
Have you ever been a stranger in a place? The newbie? The outcast? Remember those moments and the grace it came with?
Own your difference with respect for others intact. With the fear of God deeply rooted in you.
At times, showing who you are, can be intimidating. This is often coupled with the fear or concern that you might just not be accepted. This is a lie.
If anyone would not accept you at a basic level, then it's the Lord's business. He alone is the righteous Father.
Being different is no reason for strife.
Being different is not a deficiency.
Being different calls for community.
Let the hand be the hand. The foot; a foot. The ears; ears. Each plays its part for the full functioning of the body.
Let Fit-For-Purpose uniqueness outshine the differences.
God is Love.
People are His creation.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Read up on love if you are struggling with it. It happens but can be changed or improved upon. Practiced. Learned. Gifted. Imparted.
How about starting with 1 Corinthians 13. Read it.
Only love overcomes evil
Yizwa. Zwakala.
Hear. Be Heard.
#YiZwakala Le
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