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Intimacy With The Holy Spirit

Writer's picture: Age Years Old - AYO Age Years Old - AYO

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In human relationships, a man and a woman become intimate in privacy. Well, sounds about right, does it not?

Typially, intimacy is between two parties and something not to be made public. Well, ideally. This is due to the nature of intimacy being an exclusive, precious and somewhat a sacred act even.

The online Oxford Dictionary defines intimacy as:-

An adjective, describing having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship.

This post is not to be of a sexual nature in any way. The aim is the intentional exploration of intimacy with God. Well, intimacy with the Holy Spirit to be exact. I will be using biblical references and writing from that perspective mostly.

This topic has been so preached to us by those ministering as teachers or preachers; it popped up in my thoughts.

So, from the Oxford definition, I am leaning towards intimacy being "a close friendship or personal relationship."

However, let me not shy away from the word sexual. I choose to not be too familiar with it. Why?

It has a disconnectedness and a perverse conotation to it that I don't agree with. Kind of making the act out to be some kind of extreme sport or hobby.

Yes, sex eludes to an act, created by God for the expression of love and intentional procreation. I find that the word minimises the significance of the act and its impact on the humans engaging in it.

Pig or babe. Donkey or an ass.

Oh well.... A rose by any other name.

So not to pervert intimacy, I will reference the bible for insight and elaboration, where needed. Ok? Ok.

Since I am exploring intimacy with the Holy Spirit, it seemed only natural to visit Luke Chapter 1

It was reading this scripture that led me to wondering "what is my take on this topic?" What do I think I know about being intimate with the Holy Spirit?

So, this scripture is relevant and a literal example and reference.

Mary's encounter with and proposal by the angel Gabriel.

The angel explains to Mary, in some detail, a soon to happen intimate session, between herself and the Holy Spirit. The intended outcome being the conception and birth of our saviour Jesus Christ.

And the angel answered and said to her: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born, will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35 - KJV


So, according to the world, Mary was a virgin, from the house of David and betrothed to Joseph.

But according to God, she was highly favoured and blessed among women. Hence she was chosen. Beautiful and testimony that it matters most what God calls you.

Points to note:

  1. After the angel let Mary in on what was about to happen to her; she voiced out a concern. The detail of her being a virgin. She thus has some knowledge and understanding of the conception process. This means that she had the information and was somewhat aware.

  2. The bride-to-be says a whole lot of nothing about being engaged; let alone to a guy named Joseph. Wow! Interesting infact. When God speaks..... He speaks over societal norms and constructs.

I mean, have you seen the society of 2020? Young ladies are making all sorts of noises about guys who are

  • Yet to shoot a shot

  • Presently shooting a shot

  • Smelling like they consider shooting a shot

  • Vibing with

  • Engaging with them on some level of a perceived talking stage

It is the current culture. Everyone wants a bae so as to be within, conform, be accepted and not behind. Pathetict? Not really. Childish perhaps. Perhaps indicating an immaturity in the lack of interest in pursuing one's own definition of worth. Can also be fear of the loneliness inherent to being unique.

It is just being subject to social influence or blatant peer pressure.

What ever the case may be, relationship status is very much out there and loudly talked about. Much like one's gender and even sexual preferences. Quite a lot for the passerby... Everyone knows who is with who and under what capacity.

Anyway, back to Mary.

Her response and reaction seem uncharacteristic of the average 21st century young lady. One would think she was either naive or overpowered really - by today's standards.

1: Naive at the requirement of fidelity to Joseph; as a betrothed woman.

2: Overpowered into complete submission by Gabriel's heavenly authority.

The naivety angle almost raises concern and sympathy for both her and Joseph.

Being overpowered into submission kind of chastises one's beliefs of any perceived authority in exercising free will when navigating life.

I know that I am seemingly demoting this significant encounter to my mere human level. It is an effort of seeking relatability; not disrepute. A man may plan his ways but God's will prevails. 🙆‍♀️

One last point of consideration is:-

3: Mary, being betrothed; has no business having such a conversation. Goodness me! Here she is with her emgaged self, agreeing to plans of carrying a child; not of her hubby-to-be's. Scandalous much? I mean... How? Why? She was surely overpowered or obedient to full submission and consent. Angel Gabriel is a heavenly being. A messenger of God. Nothing ordinary about that. So worldly rules become nullified. Period!

Mary had no choice but to submit. Why? The word says that we are just a little lower than angels. So Gabriel did have an undeniable advantage. An authority that dominates all earthly senses, reasoning, restraint or rule? Oh. My. Goodness! Wait a minute....

I would also love to believe that Mary was:

1: A respectful young lady, with enough obedience and discipline to remain pure before marriage.

2: Exposed to parenting that instilled and monitored such. This enabled her to honor her parents by remaining chaste. Excellent virtue as obedience is always better than sacrifice.

Basically, her purity status was either self or system induced... or both.

A modern-day young woman must be asking herself: "What made Mary to be so special that she was chosen by the Lord for such an honourable calling?"

She knew and feared God and was of a Davidic bloodline. Knowing and fearing God results in virtuous attributes. Honoring parents, being obedient, purity before marriage and the likes come with the territory.

Her obedience was also a choice she made daily, in honor of God and her parents. The word says that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. It is also written that humility is the fear of God.

So, as a lady, pursue knowing God. How? Read your bible. Seek to understand His nature, law and precepts. That way, you can be in a better position to be able to please Him. Delight yourself in Him. Learn God's love language, if you know what I mean.

Read His word.

Mary's bloodline was really beyond her control. It is God determined where you are born and raised into. Look at Moses for example. Look at Samuel also.

What I am trying to say is that

Self qualification has very little to do with being chosen.

God alone identifies a need, makes the criteria and selection. According to His will.

Now, back to earth for a bit more relatability.

Do you know the pride of an engaged woman? Such women are rare, exemplary and even envied. Justifiably so; I guess. It is admirable to be a betrothed lady. The word even says: He who finds a wife finds a good thing AND receives favour from the Lord.

Who does not want to be the good thing that the Lord speaks of?

Now how much more being young, christian, engaged AND a virgin? That is the epitome of good moral standing. A mind boggle, granting this kind irrevocable boasting rights. Full. Stop. These type of ladies can do no wrong. If they do, their chastity and social standing exonerate them.

Sexual purity and marriage are really beautiful and must be encouraged. Obedience is better than sacrifice...

Life realities have created many women that are not virgins but are available for also being chosen. This is why I love God. He is thee greatest DAD. Our righteousness is safely in Him. Let no one disqualify you because of your past. God says in His word: Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies!

So woman, you qualify. In God's eyes. Be it for a Holy Spirit intimacy for ministry or to be a good thing, findable by a husband. Ok?

It is also written: Who condems? Jesus died, is risen, at the right hand and makes intersession for us!

Well thank You Lord for Jesus Christ, born through a virgin and interceeding for us. We qualify! We are findable. We are God's elect and approved. In Jesus Christ's name. 💃

I digress. Intentionally. Back to intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

I love the words used by the angel in his pitch to Mary. I mean, this is only the most relevant and significant proposal of all time.

Angel Gabriel did a stellar job as a messenger. Exact. Clear. He said:

1: The Holy Spirit will come upon you

2: The power of the Highest will overshadow you

3: A Holy One will be born

4: He will be called the Son of God.

This proposal is bizzarely unoffensive. Sounds mistakenly underrated, considering its magnitude. No frills. No sirens. No likes. No photo shoots.

Harvard shela game levels? Not even! 🤔

Pure ☑️. Matter-of-fact ☑️ . Mapped out ☑️. Zero Greyness ☑️. No fine print ☑️.

Leaves me in awe.... Nothing like these macking or #RomCom streets. 🙆‍♀️

The actual bigness of this encounter and its result needed no verbal hyperbole to enhance its validity and majesty.

Just a few precise words. Leaving no room for misinformation, misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Where my legal proffessionals at? Is there any honor in making one agree to something they do not fully understand. 🤷‍♀️

Mary was favoured indeed. To a very high degree. Meaning, there were others who could have been approached. But it is Mary that was the approved. Just as the word says:

For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends. 2 Cor 10:18 KJV

Think about it though:

"Who can contest favour?"

God's approval is all that matters. Overlook the protesters and complainers.

John the Baptist said: "No one receives anything unless it is given them from Heaven."

Another seemingly unfair fact is that:

"Many are called but few are chosen."

The calling intent, impact perimeter and level must be bourne in mind here. Therefore! There is really no business case for the onset of any covetting or bitterness - when you know the ways of the Lord.

The above rational makes me think of the scripture:

We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service God himself has assigned to us, a sphere that also includes you" 2Cor 10:13

It could not have been a walk in the park, carrying the whole of humanity's Saviour. Honestly! Imagine the dynamics of the situation? The role of Mary is both humbling and praiseworthy in its complexity.

All glory be to God, really.

So, tame your jealousy child of God. Let God approve whom He chooses to. He will anyway, whether you let Him or not. Pick your yoke wisely.

So, what is intimacy with the Holy Spirit? I am not really sure I can describe it to a tee.

How does one actively engage in this intimacy?

What I can say with some diffidence is:

1: Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Literally! As in reading the bible for a start.

2: By faith, believe that you are foreknown, predestined, called and justified; to be glorofied - (SIC). All according to and in line with His will.

3: Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself. How you see and understand things is lightyears below the view and ways of our all-seeing and all-knowing God.

Very little self-seeking or self-effort or self-qualifying must be involved here. That comes with all sorts of envy and sinfulness.

Know God. Talk to Him.

Let God callibrate your communicating channels. Have no #Fomo.

What you can do, do and be ready and on guard. The rest is in God's hands and discretion.

When I started this blog, I had aimed at poking fun at the social media couple-ing, display of intimacy and over sharing. A cheap shot really? 🤦‍♀️

However, the narrative has been unfolding for weeks now.

I am glad it went through that pruning process.

Hold on... I had planned my way but unaware, the Holy Spirit ordered my steps?

Could there have been an intimacy moment between the onset of intent and now?

Jesus said the Holy Spirit is our helper. Is it not so? He dwells within and upon us. 😮

Did the Lord not ask: "Jeremiah, what do you see?" 🤷‍♀️

So, what do you see or perceive?

I say: Intimate. Just In-Time-Mate...

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