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The Daniel Fast

Writer's picture: Age Years Old - AYO Age Years Old - AYO

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

What is the Daniel fast?

A fast that is named after Daniel.

What is the biblical Daniel fast? Many churches talk about it and do it. It's good to know what you are partaking in when you are influenced or led into taking part.

So, let us look at one. The one in the Holy Bible; after whom we believe this fast is named.

The book of Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 and verse 12.

I choose these verses as they reveal Daniel's purpose and strategy for the fast.

In verse eight, Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

In verse 12, Daniel asks "Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink."

Daniel was starting a new job or opportunity and he was the minority. He then purposed in his heart to not defile himself with the orientation goodies from the king.

I don't see fruit or fruit juice or vegetables by technicality; over a 21 days. Yes, as times change, so do meanings of words change. But how much mutation can there be in the definition of fruit?

Let's go on to Daniel chapter 10:1 -3, we read below the following:

In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was called Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it concerned a great war. The understanding of the message came to him in a vision. At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.

He was given a revelation and the understanding of it. Leading him to mourn for three whole weeks. How? By eating no choice food, no meat, no wine. And no lotion on the body

This was a fast of mourning.

How is Daniel's fast connected to the First Fruits fast? I am not yet seeing a connection in the scripture.

Fasting is between the person and the Lord. The book of Romans chapter 14 says:

Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

This is interesting information.

So, when we say we are doing a 21 day fast; Daniel fast that is, it is not so close to the scripture when we eat fruit and vegetables for 21 days and all sorts of drinks. Unless if you define your Daniel fast by another Daniel and not the one in the Holy Bible.

The ten day Daniel fast is said to be vegetables and water. The unpleasant food, no meat or wine touching the lips, with no lotion? That one is for 21 days and both of these were done by Daniel.

If we choose to adopt what Daniel did in principle, why are we calling it a 21 day First Fruit Daniel fast? Even though in practicality, it appears to be a convolution of the fasts that Daniel actually did as well as the principle of First Fruit offerings.

Maybe there's another fast that was done by Daniel for 21 days; which included fruit and vegetable and was an offering of First Fruits of increase? If anyone knows of such, let me know with a comment below.

It is admirable to do things in community. And when we gather in the name of the Lord, God says that He is in our midst. So, at a level, whatever the name of a fast is, its greatness would lie in doing it in unity with fellow brothers and sister. Similar to what the Lord's people did with Queen Esther and Modercai.

I am simply highlighting that the sheep of God be taught the truth about the Daniel fast. Be taught the Daniel fast for what it truly is or what it actually is. Then proceed to let them partake in line with how they receive and understand the teaching. The practical being spelled out in the books of Daniel. Which is freely available information anyway.

Whether 10 days or 21 days, both yielded results from the Lord for Daniel. But they were different fasts, with differing conditions and circumstances. Situationally unique fasts that were done by one person.

There is freedom and greater impact in doing something with intentionality and understanding. When we want to do as Daniel did, the information available to us in the Holy Bible. To learn from it and do likewise.

Otherwise, when we purpose to do a version of a fast to God, commit it to God, believing for results, that can be called by another name perhaps. The Lord searches our hearts anyway. He searches our hearts. Whatever an individual chooses, then so be it. As long as it's committed to the Lord and the steps are ordered that way. As it is written in Romans chapter 14:

Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

So, this is not to judge or say we have been taught wrong all along. It's just a request. The request is; if we are going to spend 21 days doing a fast to the Lord, and if it's not 21 days of eating unpleasant food like Daniel did.... Then can we still call it a Daniel fast?

Maye we can do what we've been doing for years, however, give it a name and commit tat name to the Lord.

Is that not possible? I think it is.

So, when we teach about fasting, let's teach about fasting.

If we are teaching about Daniel. Specifically the Daniel fast?, Then we teach the Daniel fast.

And if we are teaching First Fruits, then let it be that. A teaching of first fruits.

Apostle James taught that "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."

Think about it.


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