Watching this video just re-emphasized the influence of media on society. It has birthed an unplanned sequel to one of my older posts called Movie Night.
This guy was led to believing the over exaggerated birth stories we have all seen on TV and in the movies. This man even went as far as expecting to experience a very similar occurrence in his very own life. He believed the hyperbolic labour scenes so much so, he anticipated it and didn't just end there. He went as far as planning their soon-coming baby birth around the dramatized version. As though it will inevitably and naturally be their own birth story too.
How many other supplemented truths have been actioned for us by the media, all in the name of entertainment.
Imagine a viewer being so misinformed that they end up developing a principle, phobia or paranoia. All from a diet of sensational media offerings founded on very little or fragments of truth.
The media entrenches its narratives into the life of its viewers. In the name of providing a hobby or simply living out a working business model. Rightfully so, as a valued stakeholder in the bigger scheme of all things GDP . That is 💯% since humans need to make a living through the various active industries. It's the order of things.
This man's decision making rationale, in his video, is an example of the principle of building a house either on a rock or sand. The house being the man's thought process. The rock or sand being the media narrative basis on truth or fabricated truth.
The Word explains this principle well in the parable below when Jesus said:
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." Matthew 7 vs 24 - 27; NIV
I am not here to blame, trash or shame. Not the intention. I am pointing out a slightly overlooked and hardly discussed detail. I am not here to advocate for more disclaimer lines at the start or end of media offerings either.
Some may claim that it's the viewers choice to watch what's on offer. No one is in their homes, forcing channels or shows on them. Viewers have free will and enough sense to make viewing choices. This is an interesting but one dimensional view.
Consider the viewer's position of "choice" and said "free-will" priviledge for a second. No thesis.
Just observation.
To own a TV, you need to have an active and annually paid for TV license. This is "lawful"...
DSTV or cable is offered at a monthly subscription fee. What you afford has pre-determined bouquets of channels.
Whatever is on offer is meant to provide top notch entertainment for the ultimate viewing pleasure. Giving you value for your money. A reactive system using FOMO as bait. So be it...
What you consume often becomes conversational points at one's various social circles or platforms. Hot topics fot debate or shared concerns.
The viewers' collective subscriptions fund some area(s) of a media that determine(s) what you are offered for your viewing pleasure. So...
The human nature's needs for community, acceptance and dependance become far stronger drivers in sustaining the industry. This, by far, trumps the handful of "media food inspectors", honourably concerned for the long term wellbeing of viewers. Do such inspectors or QA people exist in this industry?
Is there value to be gained in consciously considering what you are feeding on via media?
How does it add value to you, your loved ones or those you interact with?
Is the value in finding a slot for some influence and financial gain from an unavoidable or seemingly unchangeable industry?
The value driver is the decider. One is monetary, the other not so. The truth...
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money" Matt 6 vs 24; NIV
Very important career guidance this.
Living in the fast-food, fast-paced, fast transmission, immediate benefit era, makes the non monetary drivers seem illogical and not ambitious. The deferred wholesome and long term benefits of a healthy media diet are deemed unappealing or simply boring. A head in the clouds and various other derogatory terms.
Are such assessments true?
Anyway, our saving grace from ingesting purely bad media foods often comes in the following forms.
Advice from trusted and hopefully "wise" persons in our lives.
One's own past experience which often is costly but invaluable in the lesson gain.
Oh; but media has been the vehicle though. A real force to be applauded for its good when effecting and driving major changes for the good of humanity. All this through propaganda, curated reality, augmented reality and many other forms of broadcasting creativity.
This reminds me of the following:
With all wisdom and understanding, He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory. Eph 1 vs 8 - 12; NIV
Is that not a wonderfully comforting scripture though? 😍. God uses anything for His will to prevail.
What do media timelines over the years look like? Country and continent specific ones. 🤔. A worthwhile study that should be.
... Just be mindful though of your media diet. Intentionally mindful. Don't binge yourself to a state of the munchies.
In an ideal world, the media would operate from an accountability basis for the effects of its offerings. Mind you, ideal is defined as...
#Sigh. So... in the absence of consensus on a universal ideal....take care of yourself. All of you. As much as you can. Yearn and pray for the wisdom to spot the rocks upon which you can build your houses...
No more sand, okay?
Be it you have made a few sand-founded mishaps in the past or not; you can still strive to do and be better; going forward.
The Lord is faithful and just to bring to completion the good work He has started in you. 🤓
Remember that according to the Creator, you are Foreknown➡️Predestined➡️Called➡️ Justified➡️Glorified.
That's all.